Neurologist Otorhino Audiovestibular Physiotherapist
Levels of knowledge in Vestibular Medicine Curriculum
  1. Knows of
  2. Knows basic concepts
  3. Knows generally (able to make a complete diagnosis)
  4. Knows specifically and broadly (competent to treat as far as possible), knowledge of own capacities and limitations, ready for referral to other specialists
Levels of skills in Vestibular Medicine Curriculum
  1. Has observed or knows of
  2. Can manage with assistance
  3. Can manage on the whole but may need assistance
  4. Competent to manage without assistance including complications, knowledge of own capacities and limitations, ready for referral to other specialists

Anatomy, Physiology, and Physics

A. Temporal bone

Knowledge Level
  1. 2 3 3 2

    Armbrecht, Tom. (2018). Getting Over Stumbling Blocks (of Text): Creating Engaging Content Pages. ObjectLessons. Retrieved from

    Additional Resources

    NOVEL - Video | NOVEL - PDF

  2. 2 3 3 2

    Armbrecht, Tom. (2018). Getting Over Stumbling Blocks (of Text): Creating Engaging Content Pages. ObjectLessons. Retrieved from

    Additional Resources

    NOVEL - Video | NOVEL - PDF

  3. 2 3 3 2

    Armbrecht, Tom. (2018). Getting Over Stumbling Blocks (of Text): Creating Engaging Content Pages. ObjectLessons. Retrieved from

    Additional Resources

    NOVEL - Video | NOVEL - PDF

  4. 2 3 3 2

    Armbrecht, Tom. (2018). Getting Over Stumbling Blocks (of Text): Creating Engaging Content Pages. ObjectLessons. Retrieved from

    Additional Resources

    NOVEL - Video | NOVEL - PDF

B. Afferent Auditory and Vestibular Pathways

Knowledge Level
  1. Membranous labyrinth
    2 3 3 2
  2. Oval and Round Window
    2 3 3 2
  3. Cochlear Duct (basal and apical turn) and Organ of Corti
    2 3 3 2
  4. Sensory hair cells
    2 3 3 2
  5. Semicircular canals: Ducts and Ampullae
    2 3 3 2
  6. Common Crus
    2 3 3 2
  7. Utricule and Saccule. Maculae. Otoliths. Otoconia
    2 3 3 2
  8. Endolymphatic Sac. Endolymph, perilymph
    2 3 3 2
  9. Cochlear Nerve
    2 3 3 2
  10. Superior Vestibular Nerve
    2 3 3 2
  11. Inferior Vestibular Nerve
    2 3 3 2
  12. Cerebello-pontine angle
    2 3 3 2

C. Medulla, Pons and Midbrain

Knowledge Level
  1. Cochlear Nuclei
    2 3 3 2
  2. Inferior Colliculus
    2 3 3 2
  3. Vestibular Nuclei
    2 3 3 2
  4. Oculomotor nuclei
    2 3 3 2
  5. PPRF
    2 3 3 2
  6. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
    2 3 3 2
  7. Inferior, Middle and Superior Cerebellar peduncles
    2 3 3 2
  8. Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal
    2 3 3 2
  9. Rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF
    2 3 3 2
  10. Perihypoglossal complex
    2 3 3 2
  11. Lateral and medial medulla
    2 3 3 2

D. Cerebellum

Knowledge Level
  1. Vestibulocerebellum
    2 3 3 2
  2. Deep Nuclei
    2 3 3 2
  3. Mollaret’s Triangle : Dentate - Red Nucleus - Inferior Olive
    2 3 3 2

E. Thalamus and Cortex

Knowledge Level
  1. Medial Geniculate Body
    2 3 3 2
  2. Heschl’s Gyrus
    2 3 3 2
  3. Auditory Cortex: The core, the belt, parabelt and the what and where pathways
    2 3 3 2
  4. Vestibular Projections to thalamus and to cortex
    2 3 3 2
  5. Vestibular cortex
    2 3 3 2

F. Visuo-vestibular system

Knowledge Level
  1. Visual vestibular afferents
    2 3 3 2
  2. Oculomotor nerves
    2 3 3 2
  3. Ocular muscles
    2 3 3 2

G. Vestibulo-spinal

Knowledge Level
  1. Vestibulospinal tracts
    2 3 3 2

H. Proprioception

Knowledge Level
  1. Vestibular afferents
    2 3 3 2
  2. Posterior collumns
    2 3 3 2
  3. Proprioceptive receptors
    2 3 3 2

I. Vascular

Knowledge Level
  1. Vertebral and basilar Arteries
    2 3 3 2
  2. Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery PICA
    2 3 3 2
  3. Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery AICA
    2 3 3 2
  4. Superior Cerebellar Artery SCA
    2 3 3 2
  5. Internal Auditory Artery
    2 3 3 2
  6. Anterior Vestibular Artery
    2 3 3 2
  7. Labyrinthine Artery
    2 3 3 2
  8. Main Cochlear Artery
    2 3 3 2
  9. Cochleo-Vestibular Artery
    2 3 3 2
  10. Posterior Vestibular Artery
    2 3 3 2
  11. Cochlear Artery
    2 3 3 2
  12. Sigmoid/ Transverse Sinus and Jugular Vein
    2 3 3 2

A. Vestibular organs

Knowledge Level
  1. Canals (cupula, physics incl. frequency dependency, gain, phase, time constant, etc.)
    2 3 3 2
  2. Otoliths (macula, physics incl. frequency dependency, etc.)
    2 3 3 2
  3. Ewalds' laws
    2 3 3 2
  4. Reflexes:
    1. Hair cells: different types, asymmetry
      2 3 3 2
    2. Tilt-translation ambiguity
      2 3 3 2
    3. Push-pull mechanism
      2 3 3 2
    4. Generation of peripheral nystagmus
      2 3 3 2
    5. Endolymphatic system
      2 3 3 2

B. Functions of the vestibular system (incl. automatisation and speed)

Knowledge Level
  1. Gaze stabilisation
    2 3 3 2
  2. Balance / postural control
    2 3 3 2
    1. Spatial orientation, navigation (allocentric, egocentric, etc.)
      2 3 3 2
    2. Multisensory processing of signals regarding these functions
      2 3 3 2
  3. Limitations in multisensory detection (e.g. motion sickness, visuo-vestibular conflict)
    2 3 3 2

C. Oculomotor system

Knowledge Level
  1. Eye muscles and neuromuscular junction
    2 3 3 2
  2. Velocity storage
    2 3 3 2
  3. Smooth pursuit
    2 3 3 2
  4. Optokinetic response
    2 3 3 2
  5. Gaze holding incl. neural integrator
    2 3 3 2
  6. Vergence system
    2 3 3 2
  7. Saccadic system
    2 3 3 2
  8. Fixation suppression
    2 3 3 2

D. Vestibular plasticity

Knowledge Level
  1. Adaptation
    2 3 3 2
  2. Habituation
    2 3 3 2
  3. Sensory substitution and sensory weighing
    2 3 3 2
  4. Vestibular compensation
    2 3 3 2

E. Vestibulocerebellum

Knowledge Level
  1. Cerebellar flocculus/paraflocuulus
    2 3 3 2
  2. Cerebellar nodulus and ventral uvula
    2 3 3 2
  3. Cerebellar vermis and fastigial nucleus
    2 3 3 2

F. Pupillary function

G. Vestibulo-autonomic interaction

H. Vestibulo-limbic interaction

I. Cervico-vestibular interaction

J. Neurochemistry of the vestibular system

K. Functional brain connectivity

L. Blood pressure regulation

M. Migraine

Knowledge Level
  1. Concept of primary headaches
    2 3 3 2
  2. Neurobiology of migraine (incl. aura)
    2 3 3 2

A. Impact of peripheral vestibular dysfunction on motor development

B. Embryology audiovestibular system